Upcoming Sales Opportunities in 2016

As we continue to delve deeper into the year of 2016, it’s only natural for businesses to continue to brainstorm ideas and opportunities designed to increase revenue throughout the year. As we all know, most major holidays are a great time to advertise specials and deals; what many of us are unaware of, however, is exactly which holidays and sales opportunities are proven to be the most profitable. While the true value of these days and seasons will vary from one industry to another, we hope this general information about upcoming sales opportunities in 2016 helps you and your marketing prepare the right signage for your product and services.

Pre-Spring Spending
As winter begins to come to a close this 2016, the U.S. consumer retail sales forecast suggests that consumer spending will increase significantly during the time between January and April. This projection of pre-spring spending suggests that businesses should plan on scheduling marketing campaigns during this time; for a positive effect on your audience, consider investing in lots of outdoor signage that will draw shoppers into your storefront from the warm spring sun.

The Mother’s Day Splurge
On average, roughly 20.7 billion dollars is spent on moms for Mother’s day. With that number in mind, it’s not hard to understand why Mother’s Day is one of the most profitable holidays of the entire year. Start planning for your business’s Mother’s Day success in advance by designing and ordering holiday-specific signage month’s before May even arrives. Signage such as sidewalk signs, banners, and decals are all inexpensive mediums that can be used as a holiday-specific without pulling significantly from your businesses budget.

Christmas Holidays
The third and most well-known sales opportunity of 2016 is, of course, the Christmas holidays. Approximately $465 billion dollars is spending for the Christmas holidays, making it a perfect opportunity for businesses to improve their end of the year financial report dramatically in a few short weeks. Although most businesses use a number of print and digital marketing efforts to advertise their holiday specials, local-based businesses who have a heavily travelled storefront may fair well without investing heavily in internet marketing. Instead, consider using well-designed print banners, sidewalk signs, and window graphics to advertise your Christmas deals and specials.

There are a number of opportunities for businesses to capitalize on holiday spending this year. Although the three major sales opportunities have been narrowed down to the early Spring season, Mother’s Day, and Christmas holiday, using well-designed and developed signage in your holiday (or seasonal) marketing campaigns has the power to increase sales and build your business. Well-developed signage is so effective, in fact, that the New York State Small Business Development Center has determined that a specific percentage of impulse visits by new and existing customers is affected by signage, whether it be a banner, car sign, vehicle decal, or otherwise. For more information on the findings of this report, click here. So, start planning and designing your company’s new signage today to get a head start on the industry.