A Brief Overview: Traditional vs. Contemporary Marketing Tactics

As the internet becomes a more powerful marketing tool by the day, a battle between old and new advertising methods rages. Traditionally, advertising primarily consist of word of mouth marketing and various forms of print advertising, including but not limited to magazines, postcards, and newspaper ads. As the marketing industry continues to progress, however, the category of “traditional” advertising may even be stretched to include television, radio ads or even car signs. Contemporary advertising methods primarily include web-based approaches such as SEO, SMO, and other types of digital media marketing. Depending on your business model and the services you provide, one of these two methods may be more effective for you in the long run. Let’s take a look at the different pros and cons of each type of advertising, and the components that build them both.

Traditional Marketing Schemes

Traditional marketing wouldn’t continue to be used today if it wasn’t consistently effective for businesses throughout various industries. For new businesses with a limited budget, or established companies that simply aren’t prepared to launch themselves into the unfamiliar world of internet marketing, implementing a strategic traditional marketing campaign can be highly beneficial. Most businesses with a limited budget tend to shy away from developing a marketing budget out of sheer instinct. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, in actuality, even the most limited marketing budgets can produce profits. Storefront advertising can be optimized with a limited marketing budget using sidewalk signs, chalkboard signs, banners, and vinyl banners to catch the attention of people passing by. Another effective marketing example is car signs. Cost effective and versatile, car signs can go a long way in generating impressions (the amount of people who see your advertising) and building your brand presence. Car signs are easy to install, don't require costly maintenance or monthly upkeep and is just a great way for local businesses to catch the attention of people around the town.

Contemporary Marketing Schemes

When people refer to “new” marketing campaigns, most are referring to pay per click advertising, Google Adwords strategies, and SEO optimization. Because the internet has become such a huge mediator between businesses and consumers web-based marketing campaigns are able to reach a huge number of people on a consistent basis. As new generations continue to revolutionize the abilities of the internet, the web-based marketing industry will continue to grow.

The Comparison

Both traditional and conventional marketing campaigns are effective in their own rights, when applied strategically. While traditional marketing is proven most effective for small to medium businesses, multinational companies and corporate entities benefit most from web marketing campaigns. Classic marketing tactics are (on average) more economical, and require minimal upkeep. This makes them an excellent choice for businesses who need to implement a quick and easy marketing campaign. Most effective for targeting a local market, traditional marketing tactics help to build a business’s credibility within its immediate community. An excellent example as we mentioned is using car signs to gain more visibility for your business, as you leverage the advertising space on vehicles. Conventional web advertising, on the other hand, can be fairly expensive when a full-power campaign is put into motion. Web marketing services can be expensive to start –up, and can commonly require regular maintenance when SEO and pay per click advertising become key components of the campaign. Unlike traditional marketing, however, web marketing allows a company’s message to be broadcasted to masses of people as needed, a valuable asset that many major corporations or digital service agencies capitalize on. Businesses who are still unsure about what kind of marketing tactics they should consider dabbling in a little of both old and new marketing strategies to find what is most effective for their particular business plan.